Designer Packages

Premium Designer Package

allocated slot in the PPG Fashion Show, allowing you to showcase your brand’s latest collection

2-day popup shop allocated within the show premises.

Choose from a selection of 150 models from premium agencies, (5-10 models per designer).

Hair & makeup for your models on the day and a styling assistant for your show.

Connect with top journalists and global CEOs, founders and businesswomen at the show's networking event.

A  magazine feature opportunity.

2 complimentary tickets to the show for friends and family.

Brand to feature on Shuba magazine media platforms.


Accessories Trunk Show

An allocated slot in the PPG Fashion Show, allowing you to showcase your brand’s latest collection

popup shop onallocated within the show premises.

Connect with top journalists and global CEOs, founders and businesswomen at the show's networking event.

1 complimentary ticket to the show for a friend or family member.

Brand to feature on SHUBA MAGAZINE Week media platforms.